Sunday, August 16, 2015

What is in the Premium Starter Kit?
 Good afternoon!! Today I want to walk you through what all is included in the Premium Starter Kit with Young Living Essential Oils. 
There are several kits that can be purchased to get your membership with Young Living started, but the Premium Starter Kit is by far the best bang for your buck. In this kit, there are 12 oils that value at close to $300.00. Plus there is a diffuser that values at close to $80.00 that you get for free with the kit purchase. 
 Lavender is my main go to. Calming down my children when they are not in any mood to go to sleep!!!! Its Golden! Also use lavender mixed with some coconut oil for sunburns, or insect bites.

In the 15th Century, a group of Thieves were able to rob graves of those who died of the plague. They were successful because they used a blend of oils that were specific for warding off diseases and bacteria. When they were caught, they traded their life for the blend of oils they used. Young Living's brand of Thieves is very similar to what these grave robbers used.

The benefits of peppermint are so great. Just the smell of peppermint can wake up your nose! I use peppermint in a capsule in the mornings to help keep my stomach in check.

This was the winning oil for my husband. He obtained a company truck which the previous owner of this truck was a smoker. The truck had a very fowl odor to it. After two weeks of my husband dealing with it, he finally came to me and asked if I thought one of my oils would work. I replied confidently that it would, sure enough... one dose of using my diffuser in his truck with Purification, and he has no more stinky ashtray smell.

 PanAway is a great oil to have when you are struggling with sore and achy muscles.

 This dietary supplement is great for getting your digestive system into a working order.


All of these oils are super beneficial to your daily life. 

 This diffuser is my new best frand! You can mix most of the oils together for your own special blend. The diffuser has a timer so it will go off automatically when the water runs out. The "smoke" that comes out of the top is not wet, and will not leave any wet spots around the area it is sitting.

Stephanie Culbertson 
Member #1342646

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